1. Application of the general sales conditions.

Any purchase order effected at EUROGLANZ of Franco Bizzari (herafter Euroglanz) is regulated by the present general sales terms, excluding particular situations to be applied to the purchasing effected by Internet, call center or other form.
Euroglanz reserves the right to modify in anytime the present general sales conditions and to publish a new version of the same.
Euroglanz reserves the right to refuse an order, to fix purchasing limits or to pretend the advanced payments, expecially in case of unpaid invoices, credit risk or insolvency.

2. Privacy and safety.

Euroglanz takes to heart the data safety of its client. Many private information included in our site will be evident in a partial way only, furthermore your data (such as shipment address, mail, and so on…) will be used by a reliable and restricted team responsible for the order delivery.
All the data you’ll insert at the payment step will be visible by us just in a partial way, no one will never approach the full figures (complet credit card number, cvc, and so on…).
On our site is available the SSL Secure Sockets Layer certificate, a securization procedure for the transactions via Internet.
Our site has got the necessary international safety levels and it’s considered a safety site (Safety Https) from Google as well.
For more information on the Privacy Policy, please look the relevant part.

3. Contents and images.

All the contens of Euroglanz and the social media of Euroglanz are an exclusive property of Euroglanz.
Any reproduction or inappropriate use of our images is strictly forbidden.
We warn you against any external section/reseller using photos of our production.

4.Customer service.

It’s our aim to satisfy a client’s request in the shortest possible time.
Our customer service team is always operative in order to fill any order received via mail as quickly as possible. In order to make any step easier, in case of request or questions regarding your order, we pray you to specify always the order number on your documents.

5. Right of withdrawal/Returned goods.

Euroglanz keeps the property right of delivered goods until the payment in full of the invoice. We offer a returned goods service in Italy and in the EU countries. With reference to the purchases effected via Internet, call center and out of stores, it’ll be always possible to get the returned goods right, according to the rules of Consumer Code within the terms of 14 (fourtheen) days, calendar time, from the good delivery (or from the last good delivery, in case of multiple orders) , contacting the customer service in charge of the return procedure.
The goods must be returned at customer duty and charge with 14 calendar days from the date in which the client itself noticed to Euroglanz the withdrawal decision.
Euroglanz will accept exclusively those goods being in a perfect condition and in the orignal packaging, together with the covering purchase invoice.
The returned good can be effected within 14 days from the order date and such procedure can be done directly online, exclusively by sending a mail to the following e-mail address
Changes or replacements are not allowed.
All the returned goods must be integral, complete, never used and not showing sign of dirt or utilization.
The products received not in a proper condition (dirty, damages, used, broken…) will be sent back to the client using a form that declares the withdrawal has not been accepted.
The returned goods will have to be shipped to Euroglanz using the original packaging, taking care not to damage it.
Euroglanz is not responsible if the returning is effected by formalities different from the ones we’ve suggested or if the client doesn’t keep any documentation regarding the returned goods and relevant shipment.
We ask the client to notify any request, failure or problem/not intuitive or not immediately comprehensible item of the returning service, within the 14 days terms.
On the contrary, we’ll not be able to accept returned goods or claims if the terms are expired.
Therefore we suggest to follow the procedures in advance, in order to be sure to act in accordance with the rules here shown.
For information relevant to the shipment address, it’s necessary a mail to:

6. Reimbursements.

With reference to the orders effected by using credit card or prepaid card, the reimbursement will be granted exclusively on the card used for the order itself.
With reference to the orders having payment on delivery as option, the refund will be granted through wire transfer only.
During the steps necessary for the online returning, you’ll be requested to furnish an IBAN numnber and name of the bank account owner.
If you’ve not an account, you can submit data of a relative or a reliable person.
Reimbursement having different caracteristics are not permitted.
The returned goods sent to our stock will be checked in the possible shortest time, but the procedures could take till 15 working days during very busy periods.
The times for the wire transfer receipt or refund on a credit card depend on any single bank and could take from 1 to 10 working days.
Euroglanz is not responsible of timing returning receipt, but our customer service will be able to provide you more details, in case of need.

7. Discount vouchers and sales promotions.

Euroglans offers often discount vouchers or products sales promotions.
The discounted products will show always the final discounted price and no further discount code will be added.
The promotion will last for a limited period and the products could return to have the full (not discounted) price without notice.
The discount vouchers are offered in certain periods and dates. Every voucher has a specific validity and could be available during the indicated period only.
If a promotional code is expired, it couldn’t be used anymore.
It is not possible to apply a discount voucher after an order confirmation.
Euroglanz reserves the possibility to offer promotions and sales during fixed periods and for a limited time.
A product could appear discounted on the site for a certain period; when the promotion is ended, the same could be found online at the full price and not discounted. We’re not responsible if the desired product is not under production anymore.

8. Orders.

All the order shipped to Italy and received within 6.00 pm will be forwarded within the day after. As soon as you carry out an order, you’ll receive a confirmation mail at the address you’ve shown. If you don’t receive any mail, we suggest to check in spam/outcome files or if your address is correct and working.
When the order is committed to the courier, you’ll receive a mail of shipment confirmation to the address you’ve indicated. If you don’t receive any mail, we suggest to check in spam/outcome files or if your address is correct and working.
By mail you’ll receive all the information regarding shipment status as well.
In case of extraordinary events only, due to logistic problems, stock, force majeure causes, the orders could not be fulfilled within the forecast terms of delivery.
It’ll be always our duty working in order to grant the delivery in the possible shortest time.
Seldom it could happen that the product you’ve ordered is not available for shipment, due to an inventory mistake. In this case we’ll proceed sending you and advise with relevant order cancellation as soon as possible.
In case of advanced payment, the order will be completely refunded (cost of not available product + delivery charges).
If the order includes more than one product and one of them is not available anymore, the remaining goods at disposal will be anyway forwarded.
In this case, as far as the orders having advanced payment are concerned, only the cost of the not available product will be refunded.
We do our best to respect the delivery terms indicated on our site, in social media pages and in our sales promotions but, if some problem occurs, the shipment could suffer delay.

9. Products.

Our products have been studied to grant the maximum quality at very interesting prices. On our site and on media pages photos of our products are available.
Between patterns and photos some differences in colour or in small particulars – such as stiches – could appear.
For sure you could find differences in colour between the photos shown on our site and the ones on social pages. It depends on the very high and professional light application of the photo reportage and on the natural light use that varies according to hour and/or place where the photos have been taken.
Our models have a regular size and are studied to grant a comfortable and regular wearableness. We suggest to select the size you generally wear.
We cannot grant at 100% that the proposed size is suitable for any single client.
We’ll be pleased to follow you in the post-sale step (and, if needed, during the returning phase) but we cannot grant any change if you don’t like the ordered item of if the size is not correct.
Small defects of the products, not so evident or hidden, are not considered important and heavy. So, the solution for such problem has not to be considered at our charge.

10. Shipment of goods.

Our shipments are fast, punctual and careful. All the orders received within 6.00 pm will be shipped the day after.
In Italy the deliveries are granted in 24 hours, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Some changes could occur with respect to these indications if the order is directed to South Italy, to the italian Islands and to those destinations the courier consider not easy to be reached.
In such destinations the shipments require generally 48 working hours.
Unfortunately we’re not responsible and we cannot forecast delays dued to the couriers or to their branch office encharged to your assignement.
For sure we’ll do our best to get information and press for the delivery.
The risks regarding losses and/or deterioration of goods weight on client when the shipment is ended.
We’re not responsible for stoppage or returned to sender orders.
Unfortunately it could happen that the delays in delivery occur due to wrong/not completed address, to absent receipient or cash on delivery amount not available.
In this case, we’ll try to solve as soon as possible if you give us the exact information, in order to enable us to plan a new delivery as quickly as possible.
We’re not responsible for delays in a new planned delivery of a stoppage order or if the courier doesn’t provide to schedule a new redelivery upon our report.
During particular moments of the year or due to extraordinary events and/or domestic problems of the courier itself, the deliveries could suffer delays.
We’re not responsible for such delays, since they’re caused during the courier duty, but we’ll take action to grant any shipment in the possible shortest time.

In some very far counties of the world we cannot grant the step-by-step tracking of the order and we could not be able to ship an order if the destination country is subjected to a block on shipment.
If so, contact us at ….@…..
If an order is not accepted/collected and, for this reason, it’s resent to the shipper, Euroglanz reserves the right to not refund completely the goods value and to charge transportation fees.

11. Order cancellation – Order modification.

If an order cancellation before the receipt of the same is requested, we pray you to give us notice as soon as you can.
We cannot grant the cancellation of an order already confirmed since all the orders are executed in a very fast time schedule and your order could already be in courier’s hands when you ask for a cancellation.
During some days and time bands, as soon as an order is executed, an automatic service for the cancellation will be available for clients.
If you cannot find such option, please keep in touch with our customer service, even if, unfortunately, it’s impossible to cancel the order in several situations.
Contact the customer service for any shipment address modification.